Aftermath of the Revolution - The Critical Period 1783 -1789
The Articles of Confederation satisfy our Revolutionary leaders desire to have popular majority to lead without obstacle, but this new government contributes to a wide array of foreign and domestic problems in the years following the war.
The 1780s witnessed a string of political, economic, and foreign policy problems, earning it the name of the “critical period” in many U.S. history textbooks. The American Revolution was followed by a severe economic depression in 1784 and 1785, forcing many states to impose charges on goods from other states to raise revenue. In addition, the national government was on the verge of bankruptcy, and a shortage of hard currency made it difficult to do business.
America's First Constitution – “A Rope of Sand” [1781-1789] The Articles of Confederation, reflecting republican fears of both centralized power and excessive popular influence, leads to conflicts among the states that threaten the existence of the young nation.
No executive leadership
No national court system
One State, One Vote
No power to TAX
Northwest Ordinance (1787)
Shays’ Rebellion (1787)
Desire to revise Articles of Confederation
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