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Every assignment, activity or assessment is designed with a specific purpose in mind
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (40% of Grade) Administered as part of the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve content and skill mastery
Strive for Five Quizzes (5 minutes) SAQ/Modified SAQ (12-15 minutes) Focused Inquiry Document Analysis (15-20 minutes) Thesis Writing (in class and online)
Take Home Tests (on-line)
College Board Skill Mastery (on-line)
Module Test (20-30 minutes)
TBA Assessments/Activities
Administered to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing against some instructional benchmark
Quarterly Exams (November, 2019 January 2020 and March 2020) 55 SBMC and DBQ Essay (2 hours)
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